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    People Power!


    Had a really hectic day today.  Met three people during the day, and then had two Skype meetings in the evening.  That's five people, and almost six hours of meetings.  And at 10:40pm tonight as I write this, all these meetings have left me completely energized, utterly motivated and full of optimism.  That's what happens when you meet passionate, honest and congruent people - they recharge you and fill up your tank!

    While I don't suggest meeting five people in a day, it's clear that spending time with just one great person a week is really just what the good doctor prescribes. Who have you planned to meet this week that will make a wonderful difference in your life?  If you haven't, do it now!!

    Dream It . Live It

    Posted by REV Training and Coaching at 6:32 AM


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