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    Imagine some more ....


    More pictures from my recent trip to Shaolin.  It looks like.... (gasp!)  they're playing basketball in their orange robes!

    In between gongfu performances that displayed their amazing agility, and mental and physical prowess, these young men showed me yet another side to the very serious nature of martial arts.  When it's time to play, you play with passion, 100% passion.  How often do you play your life with 100% passion? Start now!

    Dream It . Live It

    Posted by REV Training and Coaching at 1:38 AM 0 comments



    Visited Shaolin Temple in central China last week - it's my fourth time in two years!   Watching the performers and martial arts experts there always inspires and motivates me and this trip gave me more of the same wonderful experience.  Here's some pictures.

    imagine standing on one leg for hours

    imagine standing on one leg for hours with the other leg over your head

    imagine doing push-ups with just your hands and with your legs folded in 

    imagine bending wooden poles with your throat pressed against the sharp points of the metal tips

    To many, seeing this type of complete body control and flexibility is nothing more than watching a show.  Yet, there are far greater lessons for all of us :

    - how dedicated are we in perfecting our skills to achieve our goals?
    - how determined are we to succeed?
    - how flexible are we in dealing with life?  

    These young men answer all these questions by showing that mastery of human potential is possible - as long as you have desire, determination and dedication.  

    So instead of imaging how wonderfully different our life would be if only ...... (fill in the blanks with your usual lame excuse that needs action from someone else to make your life better) take action today with just one small change in how you view the world and the situation around you, and then handle any stressful situation differently from how you normally would.  

    Imagine how great your day will be........

    Dream It . Live It

    Posted by REV Training and Coaching at 3:12 PM 2 comments
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